Thursday, December 30, 2004

Mother Nature....

I'm amazed with the Tsunami that faced Thailand and Sri Lanka (India), 110.000 deaths and they haven't finished searching already, plus the people that is going to die because of the bad conditions of the water, food and environment. It makes no sense for me that this is only happening to poor countries; first the hurricane this year in Haiti (Also Florida but the casualities weren't as high as in Haiti), and now this tsunami in Sri Lanka and India. I know that this is nobody's fault, but for example a lot of deaths could be avoided if Sri Lanka and Thailand have had installed tsunami detectors, with just one hour people would have had the required time to evacuate to a safe zone. I make a call to the developed and rich countries to sponsor the construction of this kind of devices instead of spending their money on war (not in all the cases).
With mother nature there are some things that can be avoided if detected on time, and those posibilities exist these days, especially for tsunamis, like the pacific ocean that's very well protected but why ?? Because a big part of the United States is there, and this country has plenty of money to maintain this, but what about the rest of the world? If they have the posibility to help others that are not able to do it by themselves, why not give them a hand and avoid all of this killing ? I'm not blaming you USA, but I think that there are more important things that war right now. I think is time to stop thinking just about ourselves and think in the other people that live with us; from inside to outside, I mean, let's be proactive and don't wait for the people to change, let's start the change by ourselves.
On the beginning I was going to do my traineeship on Sri Lanka, but later on I decided to come to Switzerland, the reasons doesn't matter right now, that's life, I feel lucky, but not happy because of that.

I was thinking also that I live in a city of 120.000 inhabitants..., and it's like if I wake up tomorrow and everybody is death except me. That's a lot of people ! How many inhabitants does your city have ?.

Lots of countries and companies are giving money to help this crisis, also helping with food and other materials, which is really good, but the problem is that nothing is being really coordinated, they know that this items are comming but they don't know when, which makes it more difficult to plan and give a better management to the situation !! People is dying out there right now !! I think that it's time to create a world organization just for this kind of disasters. I think that there's not even one country prepared to face this kind of disasters, specially third world ones.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Xmas !!

At the begining I thought that it was going to be a lonely and kind of sad christmas, without my family, friends and PL. However, the last sunday (18th of december) 2 friends arrove from Cologne and Dortmund (Both from Medellin and from the same university as me), and on thursday (23th of dec) Veronica that's another friend that's studying in Belgium (Same university as me in Medellin) came, my roomate took off, Perfect!
First of all we went to make some shopping in Lorrach (Germany), IT WAS MY MISTAKE to buy all of that goods at the same time. The thing is that it was very heavy and we were only 3 guys.., also Luis forgot his passport and when we came back he got stopped by the customs.., and the normal blah blah blah.., until we manage to get inside switzerland again.
We were not even in the middle of the way and we were completely drained of energy, exhausted !! So I decided to try to go and search for a shopping cart somewhere (its very common to find them here arround the city).. I searched for 1 hour and nothing !!! That's bad !! So we started carrying everything until we arrove to the tram station, waited for it and then took it. When we got to Feldbergstrasse (tram station) we went out prepared to take another tram (of course we had to walk maybe 200 mts to get it) and as a miracle I found a shopping cart !!! We put everything there and headed to my flat. JuanE wanted to see the junkies so we went by the place where they're all the time, but we were unable to see not even one. It was difficult to drive that shopping cart because the floor was full of snow, well, it was hard ice actually..., so it was making plenty of noise. We manage to arrove at home at 11:00 PM taking in mind that we went to Lorrach at 6:00 PM it was a LONGGGGG time.
That night and the rest of them Luis and JuanE slept on the floor fn my room (poor of them, but I was going to experience the same pain in a couple of days). The next day I went to work and I met them afterwards..., it was like 6:30 PM or 7:00 PM I can't remember exactly, the fact is that we met on one of the bridges and it was near the red light district which Luis was looking forward to go to. When I met them, they were kind of "happy" (they were drinking redbull vodka). We went to Mark's computer store to get something for this pair of "junkies". They both got satisfied there, and after that we left directly to the "red light district". JuanE was always the first one in enter on those places.., I think he's a PRO on this topic..., however in one of those he went directly to one girl called "Renata", she was from Romania and she spoke spanish.., so we spent there some time talking with her.., I got treatened by the main lady (the one that keeps the business running) because I wasn't driking anything, so I ordered a beer which tasted like hell and ultra-expensive. Talking and talking with renata she told us that she used to charge 100 CHF for her services plus 50 CHF (You have to buy her some champagne), cheap, isn't her? The next thing that she told us was that she used to charge more to the old people, why ??? I've got no idea.., maybe they've to do more thing to make that "rusty machine" work !!!!!!!.
After having a nice chat we left and in our way we crashed with a "latino shop", we entered and there was some salsa music playing, JuanE started dancing inmediatly like if he were on the "tibiri", long steps, moving his head..., the guy was crazy, like a junkie !!! I got some platanos and PAID them..., then we headed to the door when JuanE extended his hand without even looking back and took a Platano and started running. Thanks god nobody in that latino shop saw him, because there was a warning where it said that if they caught somebody stealing they would take "drastic meausres". We headed home and when we were almost there, we saw a small pond with ice in the middle, so JuanE beleived that he could manage to jump on it and get on the other side safetly. The deal was that he would do it if Luis also jumped. I was toooo drunk to even try, so I just kept their wallets, cameras, etc. JuanE made the first try, he fell onto the water like a baby..., jajajjajajajajjajaja, the ice of course broke and he got completely wet !!!! After that Luis did the same... We headed fast to home.., I wasn't sure if they were able to make it.
The next day they're shoes were completely wet, so they had to use bags as a second sock to protect themselves agains the humidity.
Veronica arrived on thursday, we picked up her on the station and headed home...., later on went to Bar Rouge and had a VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY cool House party..., also some pretty good margaritas !! We arrove home at 3 AM.
NExt day (24th of dec) we went to lorrach again to buy the xmas food but for our sourprise everything was closed.., so we headed home again, and I was thinking on something to Improvise. When we finally got home Andrew (A gringo) and Ricardo (another guy from Colombia - Bogota) were waiting for use here..., so we came into. I prepared a yummy spaguetis with 2 kinds of delicious sauces..., everybody liked them...., it was the best thing I could do considering the contents of my fridge. Veronica got completely drunk, so we were !!!! At 3AM we headed to fame (A club) until 4 AM with no success..., later on we went to my office to make some phone calls to our parents, arriving at home at 5:00 AM. It was a very cool and different christmas..., I fell sleep.
The next day JuanE and Luis went to see Luzern and I stayed with Veronica at home watching movies all the afternoon.., we were quite tired, we also spent that night watching movies when the guys arrove.
On Sunday they all left..., and I felt alone. I missed them so much. It was very cool to spend all this time with you JuanE, Luis and Vero.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Seeing further doesn't mean seeing everything in the gap.

I saw this situation before coming, and I also saw the end, I trust 100% my intuition and I know what's gonna happen next, just don't lie to me anymore, I know it's hard to say, but sooner or later you'll have to no matter what, there's no other way to do it. I'm just waiting for you. Trust me, don't be scared.

Sunday, December 19, 2004


It started to snow just a few hours ago, and it feels so cool, so full of magic, everything now looks white, cars full of snow completely white, there's even some people outside playing with it, trying to eat it, thats funny, there's also a small girl that just came to the street to play with it on her winter outfit. I don't know what it has, but it just feels good. I look like a kid just looking throughout the window seeing the snowflakes falling.

Is the Boxing a Sport?

Well, yesterday night I was just watching a spanish movie on "TVE (Television Espanola)" and after it finished they started with something that I did not like much, so I continue changing channels until I stoped on a sport one (thats a miracle, because I dont enjoy watching sports), well, the thing is that they were showing a boxing match and I just started watching it (dont know why....) and the next question arrove to my mind... "Is the boxing a Sport?". Dog's fights are not allowed or at least are illegal, any kind of animal fight is illegal these days.., so then, why they do allow people to fight? I do know that they wear this gloves, but it doesn't mean anything at all. The match was between a US gay and a korean one (this was the final). It happens then that the Korean one was covered with blood on his face while his wife and daughter (12 years old) were watching that. His wife was crying and you can tell that his daughter wanted to get inside the match and take his daddy away. I can't beleive how the mediums like the press, the newspapers, the television can be that NO SENSIBLE and show that kind of things. Why don't you focus only on the match? Why do you have to show the suffering of his family? Whats the point? Sell More? Gather more audience?. And then people ask why people is that violent these days, why etics and values are on the floor, why people doesn't tolerate each other and I can go on and on writing about this. When the match was over (I don't know a lot of boxing, but the thing is that none of them went to the floor, they just said that the winner was the US guy "Markus Meyer" I dont even know why I do remember his name) the TV showed the face of his wife again taking away all that stress and tears out, because her husband was now not going to receive any more hits. This was a sad image. And then is when I ask myself again: Is the boxing a sport? And then the only answer that I found is: It's all about money, like always.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Interesting Conversation.

This happened just a few minutes ago:

BOSS: Hello Esteban, how are you doing ?
Esteban: Hey, how are you doing? Everything fine !
BOSS: Yes, everything Fine.
Esteban: How's London weather
BOSS: Not as cold here in Basel and of course not as warm as Colombia.
Esteban: Jejejejejejejejejejejeje
Esteban: Lot's of work ?
BOSS: Not really, I was awy for 3 weeks, so not much.
BOSS: When are you leaving the company ?
Esteban: On the 12th of Jan.
BOSS: Esteban, you're going to let a BIG gap here in the department when you leave.
Esteban: mmmmm..... (I know, but I didn't say that).
BOSS: Ok, nice to see you again, I guess I'll see you in the beginning of the next year before you leave.
Esteban: Yes sure!.
BOSS: Bye bye..
Esteban: Bye bye.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Spin !! Spin !! Spin !!

I was just playing with a tool that create gif files, and this is the result of it:


My University Schedule

It was difficult to woke up at 3:00 AM to select my schedule on the University Information System.., but I did it. It's not the best but I can't complain, I got good teachers and not a lot of "holes" (Understand hole as time spaces between asignatures).

BTW, my stalker wrote me another letter, I'll post it later.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Microsoft EULA, what a Joke !

Today, I installed the MSN Desktop Search (Beta), and took the time to read the EULA (End User Liscence Agreement), and I found it very interesting, just take a look at this part:

"...We may change this contract at any time. You must review this contract on a regular basis. You can find a link to the most recent version of the contract at The changed contract is in effect immediately. If you do not agree to changes in the contract, then you must stop using the MSN Software. If you do not stop using the MSN Software, then your use of the MSN Software will continue under the changed contract...."

So, if it means that they can change the contract at any time they want, whats the deal then ?

Lets imagine that my company signs a contract with yours (I sell roses and you buy roses), and when wer'e going to sign it I say: "Ok, I can change this contract whenever I want without telling you, you will have to ask me if I did it or not". Think that for a minute..., will you sign the contract ?

Is this a Win-Win situation ?
It's all about money.., each day I'm more convinced about that fact !

Monday, December 13, 2004

Rest Esteban, Rest...!

I don't remeber when did I take this picture BUT the facts are:

1. It was in the night.
2. It was very cold.
3. I was in bed.
4. I was sleepy.
5. I was tired.
6. My bed was the best in town!
7. My bed was warm.

Sleep Esteban, Sleeep..... beeheeeeeehheeee beeeheeeeeee (Understand this as the sound of sheeps). Lot's of sheeps going throughout my head.

Traveling arround Switzerland..

This was my last travel here in Switzerland, also in Europe.., and what could be better than traveling with some of my old friends from Colombia ?
They all came on Friday afternoon, except for Veronica that came to my flat on thursday night.. We spent the friday doing some sightseeing (Here in Basel I even saw things that I didn't see before), we also did some shopping (supplies for the travel) and laugh as usual. The next day we woke up at 6:00 AM, got ready and then we took off from my flat directly to Grindelwald, there we spent 4 cool hours doing also some sightseeing, poveda did a nice 180° on the ice, Mario nice try !! you need more practice boy !!, later on we went to luzern, saw the most relevant places and after that we met with Mario's brother and girldfriend, did more sightseeing and later we went to Zürick, Poveda and Mario got onto their "best outfit" (You can see the picture of both of them underneath this text, they're wearing a 60's 70's outfit) and I was just and simply surprised because they went unnoticed in the masses, I COULDN'T BELEIVE THAT! People here is used to dress that crazy (Particularly on the SBB) or at least the way they do is crazy for me according to my world perception.., however this was lot of fun to see this guys wearing a long 70's leather jacket, and a hat that seemed to came from an old school train driver, lot's of fun... Later on, we met some more people from Colombia of course, stayed in a bar and then we went to Gaston's place where we slept, I was very tired after all that traveling, so I got inmediatly into bed.
The next day we woke up early and went to "La Gruyere" located on the French Part of switzerland..., it's very particular to see how the language do change in a couple of kilometers inside the country. "La Gruyere" is the place where the famous Swiss Cheese is made. I always wanted to see that.., very interesting by the way.
Later on we went to a small castle on a hill, and when we were leaving the parking place, Mario that was driving by that time thought that he was in a rally or something and he sped up, and when we were almost out of it, the police stopped us ! Now what ! A 200 CHF fine for that !! "It's a touristic place and your'e not supposed to do that here" those were they words !! I was thinking on everything that you can imagine except that Mario was going to brive a Swiss Police Officer..., and I tought that the only ones that were able to be bribed were the Colombian ones !! In the end he gave them 40 CHF and they allowed us to leave (There's a pic in the collage).
We headed then to Geneva.., and in the way there Poveda did fart on the car..., that was unbelievable !!!!!!!!!! My respects for you !!!! You're the master !!!! ..., in a matter of second the "concentrated gas" did spread in the whole car, not even opening the windows the smell went out !!! What did you eat ???? I was fearing for the life of all of us...., this "fart" was with an enormous power !! Actually, I think that is the strongest one I've smelt in my life !.
After getting "disitoxicated" we arrove at geneva, where we spent the rest of the day, saw the ONU, UNICEF, the old town and then headed back to Basel. (No more farts please!)
That trip was the best.., except for the Music of course ! But what can I do, the world is not perfect !
Also, I learned something: (you can take it as an advice as well) The next you travel with poveda buy a "Gas Mask", you'll need it !

Friday, December 10, 2004

The 86 CHF Taxi.

I've been here for 11 months now (It feels like if only 4), and still I'm atonished by the prices.
It Happens that yesterday one of the big bosses (Beleiveme, a BIG one) forgot his laptop here in the company.., so a friend asked me if I was bussy (I wasn't at the moment), so he told me what the mission was.., and I accepted.
Mission: Deliver the laptop to the big boss on the Mulhouse Euroairport.
I was the selected "courier", so I put a handcuff from my wrist to the laptop and took a cab from here (My office) to the airport, made the delivery and came back in the same cab. The Bill ? 86 CHF, what it would be something like $192.000 colombian pesos.., amount that you won't never pay for a taxi there, and when I say NEVER is NEVER.
But who cares, the company paid for it.
Mission Accomplished and I earn a free lunch today !!!!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Unplugged !

Let's assume that I'm not even 1% techy and imagine the next situation:
I arrove to my home 3 months ago, turned my laptop on, and suddenly I was connected to the web..., it's important to note that by that time (Even currently) I don't and didn't have an internet connection at home (Understand this as if I was paying for it), so, let's get back to the point of this post. I turned on my laptop and suddenly I'm connected to my virtual world.., to the network of networks.., mostly known as "Internet". Then I, my computer came with free internet, so I keep using it... until 2 days ago that the signal went away..... which I would think: "..Oh, my free internet ran over...".
Then I decided to start paying for it, so I went into and found a good deal.., I called' em and happens that to get the service I have to sign up for a 1 year contract ! And I'm going to be here for only 38 Days 6 Hours 19 Minutes and 53 Seconds !! So.., what the hell am I going to do without it ? I have to admit that I'm in a high percentage tied to the web.., and suddenly it's gone. I lost contact with my beloved PL that's the most important thing here..., plus that in winter time (Like now) there's not much to do outside.., and I'm hibernating (Remember the last post?), well..., so there´s not much stuff to do.., my tv is almost the 90% in german.., what means that I can't understand anything... I only have 3 english channels "Cartoon Network", "BBC" and "CNN"..., everntually you get tired of them, beleiveme...., you can't spend a complete night watching cartoons or the same things that they show on CNN all the time: WAR, WAR, WAR...., only showing the fad faces of everybody...., why don't they show something more "Educative" ? Interesting ??. I'm tired of watching the bad faces of every single country....., and also this kind of shit that they shown on CNN only contribute to make problems worse, how are they helping?? !! I even consider myself a victim of that ! My country COLOMBIA has been heavily defamed on it !! That's why here in Europe everybody thinks that the country is something completely diferent to what it is (Sadly a bad image) thanks to the mediums !! THANK YOU VERY much stupid mediums that the only thing that you're doing is making things worse !
Conclusions ? It's all about Politcs, and politics means money.., so by the transitive law we have: It's all about money.., great, isn't it ?

Well, getting back to my post, you eventually get tired also of BBC, it's a good channel, but the quality of it (programs, content) are not very good..., soooooooooooooooo, TV it's not an option. I was reading "The Davinci Code" which I would recomend it to you if you haven't read it yet, but sadly I'm done with it.., I was enjoying it so much.

I know this is far, very far away to be possible, but if you (the reader) are the owner of the wireless network near Erlenstrasse 49, please turn it on again and leave it unsecure..., I want to get back, to be able to broadcast again on the Internet.

People will read again !!

Sunday, December 05, 2004


2:50 AM, I was sleeping........., suddenly everything started to move and shake..., I know what this is, a small eartquake..., it longed for 3 minutes. After that it took me a while to fall asleep again.

Friday, December 03, 2004

The Sweet is not as Sweet without the sour...

Thats something that I keep saying to people when they're sad or don't understand a situation the way they should.
Well.., today is the day to say that words to myself: Esteban, the sweet is not as sweet without the sour.
Loneliness, that's the common denominator right now...., and Christmas is just starting. Christmas is supoused to be a time to be with my family..., but this time I'm far far far away from home..., nobody close to me here..or at least nobody that I appreciate that much.., what adds more terms to the complex equation that is my life.
However Esteban, we need to say it again to ourselves: The Sweet is not as sweet without the sour.
Why sometimes is that hard for us to keep promises? I don't get it...., and I won't get it..., I guess is a natural behavior in the Human Being. When you break a promise, most of the times you're not only breaking that: The promise, you're breaking more than that.., sometimes Hearths, feelings, hopes, lifes, expectatives, desires, passions, dreams.., and I could continue listing here a lot of other things for a longg longg timeee.
It's 12:57 AM right now.., and I've been broken.., what part? It doesn't matter at all.., the time is the only independent variable that can reduce and simplify the results of the variations in this equation.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

What were you thinking on Esteban ????

I don't have enough cases to pack all my stuff to travel Back to Colombia!!! So I decided to buy a new one, and today I went with the objective to just look for prices. I was walking down the street (HEading to Claraplatz) and saw a store full of cases, and some of them were on sale for just 48 CHF, I could not beleive it, they were of a relative good size, good design and colors, so I went inside and asked for the price..., she told me that she didn't speak english but that it was the price. I decided to keep checking for prices in other stores, so I took the handle of the door to open it, and I don't know what I was thinking on, or where was I looking to, the fact is that I did hit my head with the door in my forehead !! BAAAMMMMMM, what a pain !! So I was stumbled and the lady was saying something in swiss-german that of course I didn't understand. I opened the door again and took off ! I didn't buy the case and today my forehead is in pain !

Monday, November 22, 2004

Choosing Asignatures...

Finally, I decided which asignatures I'm going to view the next semester when I get back to Colombia...
They are:


I've heard that "Sistemas Operativos" is a hard asignature..., BUT from now on.., I'm going to make with myself the pact that I'm going to WIN it no matter what.
For "Métodos Cuantitativos" I've heard that it's not difficult, I'm starting to enjoy economics, thats why I think that "Economia General" won't be a major problem, as usual some useless asignatures like "Axiologia y Contemporaneidad" that the only thing that they does is drain time and energy, and the last but not less important "Desarrollo de Software Educativo" which I think is interesting (It's from the diversification line that I chose which is "Software Development").

Making some plans...

Talking today with the "Citizen Dildo" and "Maya", both friends from Colombia, I invited them to come to my place, in order to spend the 24th of december together, and also do some traveling later on, we were thinking about going to Rome, that would be nice, I haven't been there already.., and I have seen very cool pics of that city. We're thinking on renting a car, or going by train...., I have to check out the prices for the trains.., because the current system of the Swiss Railway Home page doesn't give me the price for the ticket when I'm going to travel outside of the country...., that's bad.., so I will have to go to the SBB railway station, and talk to an agent and tell him/her what I'm looking for in order to get the price.
In the other Hand, we're thinking on maybe cooking a Turkey for that day...., I've never cooked one in my life, neither I do know how to do it, but I'm sure that the web is pretty full of receipes telling me how to do it, step-by-step... I also hope to don't have to face the same kind of problems that Katie Holmes got involved in the movie "Pieces of April" while she was cooking it for the thanks giving day.
I have spent all my life the 24th of december with my parents and my family, what is really good..., I'm going to miss'em too much this year..............

Right now I'm listening a 143MB session that I downloaded from paul van dyk..., that DJ is just the best.
I'm kind of sad at the same time because DJ Tiësto played this last weekend on my city....., "I came to Europe looking for him without knowing that he was looking for me" ..., that's my favorite DJ... Bob (Julian), one of my friends told me that the party was just great....., specially when he played the song "Silence" ... people went crazy with it.
At the same time, I can't complain..., I've been in cool partys here also..., The Zurich Street Parade that was just incredible, Paul Van Dyk featuring his new production "Vandit" also in Zürich in the Techno park was also amazing................ Conclusion: I Can't Complain.

Plans for this weekend broke up a little bit..., love problems involved...(can't say too much here, because it can compromise the hapiness and stability of third parties), BUT as always..., nothing that can't be fixed and/or replaced.... (By the way., this Paul Van Dyk Mix is just great). I'm just waiting for confirmation on the plans..., who's coming in the end, from which day until which day...... etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Confussion, that's the main feeling right now. Getting closer each day to the finish line of this chapter of my life in Switzerland bring a lot of things to my head. I feel good because it has been a very good experience with a totally different culture, learned tons of things from it, experimented another way of work, another situations that I didn't face before, got to know new things, places, ways of life, new friends, and specially more of myself. Also, I'm very happy because I'm going to see all of my family again, because I'm going to see YOU, my friends...., the university, the student life, to be able to talk in spanish again ( I never thought that I was going to miss the spanish the way I'm missing it...., However, I'm writing all of this in English, because I have some friends that doesn't speak spanish and want to read my blog...).

In the other hand.., I know that I'm going to miss this, to miss the perfection of this country (which is not the best, but it doesn't mean that i'm not going to miss it), I'm going to miss all this landscapes, the silence of the cities, the quiet people, the fact that wherever you go you won't find queues, the loneliness of everything and everywhere, also that when you go by the streets the cars stop to give you the way....., the fact that when I'm in the streets and people is talking in swiss german I don't understand absolutely nothing This and much more things that have made my life here in Switzerland....

Is now, 2 months before I leave, that I realize how different our cultures are........, how has changed and grown this guy that arrove here 10 months ago, how big but at the same time how small the world is, BUT the most important thing is that I'm happy to get back to my City.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Doing Pancakes

mmmm...., I'm not the expert, but this is the receipe that I'm using today for making my pancakes:
-3 cups of flour.
-4 eggs.
-2 cups of milk.
-A tea spoon of vanilla escence.
I'll mix everything...., and that's it.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Eye strain

I tried....for one week doing the exercises that my optician told me to do, but it definetively doesn't work. It doesn't help me to reduce my eye strain while I'm all the day in front of the computer. That's why I decided to use again my eyeglasses.., now I feel relieved, no eye strain any more.

If you're twenty something ... then this apply to you.

"Being Twenty-Something" They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now. You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you. You look at your job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are. You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward. You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Perhaps you love someone who doesn't love you back, or worse yet, loves someone else. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you are doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person. One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap. Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic. You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender! What you may not realize is that everyone reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out. Send this to your twenty something friends.... maybe it will help someone feel like they aren't alone in their state of confusion..... GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US!!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Status = Hibernating

Ok, I know that I do like the cold weather..., BUT NOT THIS !!!! This is most than Cold.., I would say.., it's a "Freezing Cold".., that's why I decided to switch my status from Active to Hibernating, starting from now on until the day I leave...
Days are getting pretty short, full of clouds and fog all the time......, trees are getting without any leaf, the streets are getting more empty each day...., peoples mood start changing.., you can tell.
My decisions now from where to go doesn't depend anymore on who's going, which place, what kind of music, what kind of liquor, etc, etc, etc.., instead they're being depending on how much distance I will have to travel and/or walk in this freezing weather to get there.
For example, I just got to basel last tuesday morning.., my fridge is almost empty.., and I haven't gone to the supermarket because the weather is extremely cold..., adding that I have to bike.., I'm not so sure if i'll be able to make it. Today I'm gonna try, because if I don't I would just and simple die of hunger.

Home sweet Home (Basel)

Being traveling throughout Germany and Holland was awesome.
Seeing again old friends from school, town and city was the best..., definetively there's nothing like being with Columnbians !!! We had a very cool time !
I want to express my gratefulness to my friend "Luis" (when said by german people it sounds like louis, that was funny) who gave me asilum at his place in Köln.... where we did a webcam "striptease" (The word is in quotes cuz it wasn't a real one..., just teasing) to a scandinavian girls without seeing them while talking on the phone..., that was very funny also.... Lot of fun Louis.
I would call Amsterdam "La ciudad de la Lujuria"..., don't take me wrong..., BUT a lot of things that are forbidden in the real world are allowed up there.., what is good for some people..., personally I didn't take any advantage not even from the hookers (It was like buying meat, they were showing themselves on a 3 x 3 square meters room where you can see them throughout a crystal and if you liked her, she would open a door and let you in.... the rest is up to your wallet and/or imagination, I was kind of impressed.), not even from the pot.
When I was coming back I got to know 3 swiss girls on the train that were coming also from Amsterdam.., and while we were talking they said "The good girls go to heaven, the bad ones go to Amsterdaaaaaaaaaam", Yeah right...!!! I don't think that taking drugs and having sex as a madman will give you some kind of stability.., actually.., they were very twisted and immature to be 20 years old. This is what leads me to talk about my "Stability" Theory (I'll write about this later on).

From Left to Right: Esteban, Andres, Mario.
Location: Munich, Olympic Area 1976.
PD: Andres was grabbing my ass, that's why the spontaneous laugh.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Getting to know Germany..

So far, traveling in Germany has been the best. (Currently I´m in Köln)
I´ve had very cool momentos, like drinking multivitaminico (Thanks for that Mario), "Ah parce, no quiero descompletar el billete" (jajajja, that was really funny Maria Camila), "NAchos con Queso" said almost perfectly by a German waitress, "tupale, tupale..." very funny also (This word came from Francisco el Matematico, especifically from Jhon David), and on and on and on... My friends are the best.

SO far I´ve been on:

-Stutgart: Very nice city, I took cool pictures there that I will post later on (I´m not at home already).
-Munich: Lots of money everywhere...., interesting things to see.
-Berlin: Just amazing.
-Köln: YOung people again !

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


"Many people have great difficulty telling the difference between reality and shadows as perceived reality."
-Plato -

Got a New Plant..

Today I went into Laura's office (Next door) and there was a BIG plant over there.., without being watered for at least 1 month..., so I asked her if she was thinking on putting water on it, and she told me that if I wanted it I can keep it.., so I brought it into my office.., now I feel better with it.. I just put some water but the Moisture Meter keep the arrow in the "dry" state..., I'll wait until tomorrow, you know son.., the water has to go down..., and then I'll take a decision.
BTW, I'll put a picture of it in a couple of days.., I don't have my Camera here.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


That's what I'm thinking all the time..., I just want to get back to Colombia and set up my very new Business. I'm getting some customers here in Switzerland to be able to work from my Country (Colombia) while I finish my studies.
Clear Objectives..that's the key !

Another flawlessly week..

No more stalking letters from this women during the last week !! I think that I finally got rid of her !
Good work Esteban !! keep it UP !

Germany and the Netherlands..

After reading the 98 emails that were waiting for me on my inbox, I'm being able to plan a little bit the travel that I'll be performing this friday with Vero Henao, a very good friend that is doing one semester of her university in Belgium. First we'll go to Karlsruhe where Andres Poveda, another friend from Colombia that is doing the same as Vero, and meet there, shortly after that, we'll go to Münich, then Berlin, later on Cologne where I'll meet my friend "Lufer" (Finallyyyyyyyyyyyy) and have some drinks and party with him; I'll say bye to Vero, she will get back to Belgium and then I'll continue climbing the continent until the Netherlands, more particularly until Amsterdam, where I'll spend 2 days... then I'll get back to my beloved Basel.
That sounds like a plan Boy..., but please ! First check your visas !!! Jejeje, I already did..., I'll only have to go throughout Schengen Zone.., so I'm expecting NO PROBLEMS this time.

End of transmission.

Trying to look like Mules...

After seeing this movie "Maria Full of Grace", my friend Dinko got very affected by it and all the time he was speaking about "Blanca", "Lucy" and "Maria", the ladies that act as mules on the movie. Somehow, on our way to croatia, one of our friends brought a package of snacks.., and each of those was of the size of the balls that the "mules" ate at the movie. He then thought that he was a mule, taking one of the snacks, simulating that he was putting it first on a pot full of oil (to make it go easier throught the throat), shortly after that he swallowed it. Boy he almost got killed !!! He told me not to do it, but I did..., the rest of the trip my throat was dying.

Bye Bye Croatia..

I was going to Croatia on thursday of last week with Dinko and 2 girls more (the 3 of them from Croatia) and after 10 hours of being in a car, we arrove to the slovenian border Between Italy and Slovenia if course...., it happens that it is part of the European Union but it's not a Schengen State already, SO to go across the country I was supossed to have a visa for it, which I didn't have by that time.... Holy crap............, what next ? Calm down my friends.., we wen't then to Italy again and drove to a city by the sea called "Trieste", so the 2 girls droped us there (Dinko and me of course) at 5:30 PM to try to get a visa the next morning. Obviously we couldn't because we only found a consulate, and what we were needing was an embassy.
We slept in a crappy Hostel, it looked more like this motels of "mala muerte", but anyway..., the next day I didn't even take a shower because of the status of the bathroom... However, we found out that it wasn't going to be possible to get a visa, so Dinko took a train back to Croatia, and I took a train first to Venezia, then to Milano, then to Chiasso, then to Lugano, and then finally to Basel. Got home very late in the night....

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

No more presents..

Finally my stalker decided to not send any more presents and/or letters. I guess that she got deceived when I wrote her that I was gay. Obviously I'm not, but it was the only way to get rid of her without hurting her feelings even though if she sent me very nasty things.


The sweet is not as sweet without the sour.

Movie Night.

Yesterday I went to watch the movie "Maria Full of Grace", it shows how the drugs are transported by "mules" from Colombia to the United States. It's very crude, somehow I was kind of sad and bored after it, maybe because my country is being shown to the rest of the world with this kind of things that people is doing to try to get a descent life or to solve money problems.

It's just sad to see how people is being treated in this black market like it's name "mules", not like human beings, loosing all their dignity.

In the other hand, I liked it, because as I said, it's a crude movie that sows the reality, generating impressions and as a fact generating change or at least in the worst case some reflection with the masses.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Caffeine = Headache ?

I have been with a headache for almost a week..., sometimes it goes away, and sometimes it comes back. The point it that I'm having lot's of caffeine, maybe 4 or 5 cups/daily... I know, it's not healthy (I read that on the web).

That's why I started today my "Reduce Caffeine Campaign" with the objective to reduce/eliminate the daily coffees to at most 2 by the moment, and eventually to 0 (I know it's gonna be hard, cuz that's my daily fuel).

Took 2 advils 1:30 Hours ago, and it's gone.., hope to keep it away for the rest of the day...

Friday, October 08, 2004

I have a stalker, and that is freaking me out !

The story began maybe 7 months ago, I was just starting my life here in Basel, and one day I went down stairs (in my apartment) to pick up my bike. What a sourprise, I met with a 60 - 65 years old laddy with a dog, so I say "Hello", and then she replied yelling at me that if I was going to stay in Switzerland I will have to speak Swiss German, she was very mad, but I dont know why. The things remained like that, and I use to hang out a lot with a guys that have a computer store on the first floor of the building (The crazy lady lives in a house in the backyard), and each time we saw her we started to bother her, I was angry with this lady.
One day, that was in summer (July) the lady was in the backyard and I was looking throught the windows, then this guys started yielling something to her, and finally I told her "loca" (That word means crazy in english). For my sourprise, she replied to me in Spanish. I was really curious in knowing why this lady was speaking spanish, so I started talking to her and she told me in 15 minutes almost all her life story. Her father was swiss, and her mother from Peru (I'm not so sure about this part), so she used to live in LA (Read it as Latin America) for some years, that's how she learn to speak spanish (Bingo!). Anyway, to make ths story shorter, we never spoke again..., and the next incident was a bottle of champaign plus a glass in the door of my friends store (Obviously for me). I took it and saw that the cork didn't have the seal, so I was scared that she would have put something on it to poison me or whatsoever. I threw it to the toilet......... I didn't reply nothing to her.
The next week, I got a bottle of "Whisky Johny Walker Red Label", but this time it was properly sealed (It's already on my flat....) and with the next letter:

(In the Envelope)
Para mi querido Sexymen el Colombiano.

(In the Letter)
Querido Amor, Siempre pienso en ti, donde estoy te veo delante de mi. Hasta ahora no tuvimos la oportunidad de conocernos de mas cerca.Ya sabes que tengo el perro, y tengo mucho que hacer en casa.No me puedes escribir el dia que podamos salir como ya te dije, no aqui ! Quiero estar la noche toda (sin tus amigos) "contigo" abrasada fuerte, sintiendo tu cuerpo abrazados bien fuertes no solo 5 minutos la nocha toda !Te amo abrazo fuerte de Veronique !

Shortly after this letter she sent me another present that was a scarf and a pair of globbes, and they weren't new.. They smelled like hell..., so I threw them again to the trashcan.

Now I'm freaked out..., she sent me today a piece of paper, full of condoms and says:

"Para los maricones el Colombiano you are fire y Amigos ! Lo pueden usar, lo necesitan. Tu Amor Veronique de todo corazon".

I conclude that she's definetively crazy, and somehow that kind of things scare me and a LOT, because you never know what kind of things this people is able to do.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Pure Shores by All Saints.

I like this song....

I've crossed the deserts for miles
Swam water for time
Searching places to find
A piece of something to call mine (I'm comin', I'm comin')
A piece of something to call mine (I'm comin' comin' closer to you)
Ran along many moors
Walked through many doors
The place where I wanna be
Is the place I can call mine (I'm comin', I'm comin')
Is the place I can call mine (I'm comin' comin' closer to you)
I'm movin', I'm comin'
Can you hear what I hear?
It's calling you my dear out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it calling you
I'm comin' not drowning, swimming closer to you
Never been here before
I'm intrigued, I'm unsure
I'm searching for more
I've got something that's all mine (got something that's all mine)
I've got something that's all mine (got something that's all mine)
Take me somewhere I can breathe
I've got so much to see
This is where I want to be
In a place I can call mine (call mine)
In a place I can call mine (call mine)
I'm movin', I'm comin'
Can you hear what I hear?
It's calling you my dear out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it calling you
I'm comin' not drowning, swimming closer to you
Movin, Comin', can you hear what I hear? (Hear it out of reach)
I hear it calling you
Swimming closer to you
Many faces I have seen
Many places I have been
Walked the Deserts, swam the shores (Coming closer to you)
Many faces I have known
Many ways in which I've grown
Movin closer on my own (Coming closer to you)
I'm Movin, I feel it
I'm Comin, Not drowning
I'm Movin, I feel it
I'm Comin, Not drowning

Happiness + Sadness + .... + ... = "Neutraliness"

So the question is: What would you feel if you put in a blender some feelings and sensations like: Happiness, sadness, frustation, confusion, pride, anger, disappointment, stress, impotence and then turn it on ?? All of this will get (Quite fast) mixed, obtaining weird sensations and obviously weird states.
The problem here is that I'm mixing of all this at the same time..., what doesn't allow me to process each thing separately or at least think in future what would be the result (bad thing) expecting the unexpected. I would prefer just to add sensation by sensation, taste what it tastes like, and then add another and another and so on.., having almost a total control over the mixture/situation or at least know what to expect or how to act, what is kind of complicated, because in real life sometimes you can't control when/where the situations are going to arrive.

The result of all of this would be and is something like being in the stratosphere, I don't feel nothing now, it's like a neutral state, and is because some ingredients crash with other ones like when you have two numbers let's say 3 and -3 and then you add them 3 + (-3) = 0. Now, if we replace the 3 for hapiness and the -3 for sadness we would get: (hapiness) + (sadness) = ?.
To resolve this equation first I would to add a new feeling called "neutraliness" and the description would be something like when you're tired enough that you don't feel anymore pain even if it's present, when nothing is important to you any longer...., it's like if you weren't feel anything. Just living.... In other words, the best explanation for these are the maths. A 0 (read it as zero) is the best answer for the equation.

So I get:

(hapiness) + (sadness) = 0 (read as neutraliness).

A Zero..... a big Zero....

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Battery cells = Empty

I feel like without energy today.. I just took a strong coffee, but not started yet to feel the effects. It's raining..., and the only thing that I want to do is go to my bed. Each day when I wake up the day is darker and darker..., the're getting shorter...

There are moments like this, when I feel that my life is like a puzzle, and that some parts of it got scrambled, what makes me feel kind of weird and disappointed. I know that I will put them back in order again..., just that when a lot of things comes at the same time I don't know where to start BUT I have to.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


It's 3:05 PM, and I'm falling asleep..., the solution............ caffeine.
I was thinking on taking decaffeinated, the problem is that it doesn't keep me awake but is healthier..., so I decided to take the strongest one and forget about the healthy part of it..., the one in the purple cap... I'm telling you, is really strong... right now is here on my desk, just waiting to be drink... It's with a lot of foam what make it look very yummy !

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Circus !

It's been 8 or more years since the last time I went to the Circus ! A place full of charm, magic and numbers; people making their best to make us have a good moment.
So I went to the circus the last friday night with a couple friends, I felt like a kid again..., just watching and being amazed with all of this people doing their tricks, jumps and I can tell that the circus somehow have evolved..., there's no clowns, instead the main character was Charles Chapplin, and in the meantime when the middle ring was being prepared for another number I was entertained by MIB (Man In Black) with lanterns, higlithing people like if they were looking for somebody.
My conclusion is that's good to be a KID again, its ok to laugh, to have a good moment...., to feel for a while that all that charm of the circus is like the magic.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

No german = Problems

Happens that today I went to buy some garbage bags to Migros, the store where your'e supoused to buy them....., the fact is that I never bought them before, so I didnt know in which section they where, and none of the ladies there talked english.., what a problem..., half an hour just looking for garbage bags......
At the end I found them..., but I got as a conclusion, that sometimes the German is important.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Rainy Day...

It's 2:45 and it's very rainy, plus cold weather....., I don't want to work today anymore..., just go home, lay in the couch and watch a movie.... :P

The Dudes !

Since we got gmail we have been talking almost every day, laughing, joking, advising (I'm Dr Heart for you Lufer), talking about almost any topic that you can ever imagine....., but the most important is that in one way or another you've been a kind of support for everything.... Thanks for that guys..
Lufer, Marin, Rojas, Topo, Pica y Vargas .

I had to Change...

I was really happy with my Blog at Aiesec, but the main issue or point that made me look for another blog is that most of the time the servers were down, so I wasn't able to post, and also a few people reported me that my site was constantly down and very slow. That's why, now I'm starting this brand new Blog powered by Google. Lately, I can say that I'm a Google Fan. I've gmail (Since June 2004) which is very good (Thanks for the advertisement), I've got "Picassa" that's a software that works as a kind of album for the digital pictures.., very cool by the way.., I highly recommend you to download it if you have tons of pictures and want a good tool to view and organize them.
And today I read that Google is developing a web browser, which will include gmail, blogger software, the search engine and also another bunch of things. They're developing too a small operative system based only in searching....., I read "Wired".

Thursday, September 23, 2004

No more publicity in my Mailbox.

Each day, when I come from work I find my mailbox full of publicity (Magazines, newspapers, flyers, etc). I would enjoy them, but sadly all of them are in German, so no way.... , that's why I created this sticker, to make the mailman understand that I dont want any kind of publicity ever again.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Schwarzenegger model? Will the kids study this government model in the years coming?

What IS the Schwarzenegger model? First, he's a political hybrid who can't easily be labeled, categorized, or dismissed as a conventional hack. If Clinton was famous for practicing the "politics of promiscuity" - his willingness to try out a variety of ideological positions - then Schwarzenegger is a political cross-dresser. He's the quality-of-life nut whose pro-environment views sit comfortably with Democrats; he's the self-made multimillionaire boss who embraces the Republican's laissez-faire approach to business.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Extension ???

Yesterday I was walking and met with one of the big bosses here.., I said hi, she replyed and also asked me about when's my contract going to end..., so I replied on the 12th of January, so she told me: "We can extend it, what do you think? Would you like to ?"............... Well, my answer was "Maybe..", but honestly is a deep and clear NO. I want to get back first, finish my university.., and do a lot of things that i've been planning long time ago. Also, I feel happy because of that, because I saw that what I've done here is good, if not she won't be telling me that........., thats a fact.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Today I feel so fucking betrayed; dont know what to feel..., it's like a mix of bad emotions.., a lot of bad emotions that don't mix well and as a consequence I don't really know what to feel or how to feel........ I really hate when somebody says something and does something completely different......., also tired of fucking fake people.., ignorant people.., selfish people................................., a lot of ideas are coming right now to my mind...., BUT I have to keep it calm.............., the answers will come later also the solutions.

Monday, August 30, 2004


This time, I wanted to do something as Paris, something different... Thats why I did a colage of some pictures that I took there... Casually, I found a store called "Esteban", they sell perfumes and fragances there....., thats very particular !! JeJeJeJe.
Well, what can I say..., Paris is Unique.., its arquitecture..., constructions, churchs, places..., EVERYTHING!

The first question that my head did when I saw the Eifel tower was: How many people has taken pictures of this huge tower??? I think is one of the places in the world with more camera-shots...

I stayed there with my cousin.., it was a great time..., also we went to a party on saturday.., it was cool !! PARISIENE people is definetively very open to foreigners.., I think that's one of the firsts times that somebody talk to me in a Disco without me being the first one in doing it...


Paris is awesome !! Go there ! There's so MUCHHHH to seeeee, that I didnt have the time to see a lot of them !!

And then..., I moved to a new flat !!

And then, when I arrove from Lugano, that week I moved to a very nice new flat, Im really happy here, my room is awesome, the living room and the kitchen also... Is really fresh, I like that a lot !!! And also, I have a view to an old train station......, so theres no car, no trams.., nothing that could disturb my nice dreams !!

Back to Lugano

Lugano...., if I were able at the beginning to choose a city where I would liked to do my trainesheep, it would have been Lugano..., what a wonderfull city.
The lake its just great, the arquitecture very nice and different, and the people are more friendly.
I left Basel on thursday night, and arrove there at 11PM; stayed at Jakup's place, the OCP of LC Lugano..., you're great man !! We had a party that day, smoked some narguila (it was my first time and was great.., really relaxing by the way). The next day, we just chilled out..., too much drinks.... jejee.
In the night we went to a local bar, a little bit of fun, I was really tired, also the others, so we went early to bed that day.
On saturday morning Jakup and I went to Bellinzona, to Valentina's place, were I ate a really ITALIAN pasta, made by real italians..., it was really good to eat with her family..., also i was missing mine. Later on, we went to Locarno, also really nice, and after that Jakup invited me to his place, were we had a real ARABIC food with his family (He's from Siria), also with his parents..., that was great.
I left that day at 19:23 , arriving at Basel at 23:23, really tired, but it worthed !!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Lan partying...

Long time ago without lan partying....
We played at feldbergstrasse 48, more known as swissnology an information technology company. Mark, marc, roger and me.

We played Battlefield Vietnam, awesome game !! I kicked their asses...

After that I went upstairs to pick up Brett and his girlfriend to go out for a while. We took a beer first at the flat, and then we headed towards NT Area..., Im not so sure about this name.., the point is that this is a really different place because is located in an industrial complex full of trains, trucks, warehouses, the typical night escenario where a pretty woman is walking throught it, and suddenly somebody is following her, the woman starts to get scared and walks a little bit faster looking back again and seeing that the extranger is doing the same. She, desperately starts running and then falls in the wet and used pavement. The extranger approaches her, take a deep look at her scared eyes, and takes out his sharp knife and cut her throat. She starts bleeding and tries to scream for help, but she cant talk, nobody can listen to her.., she dies.

That's the way it looked, no more no less. After going throught this passage, we found the place, 5 different dance floors, two of them are open air, and the remaining ones are indoors. First we went to one of the open air places, it was kind of psycodelic. Big umbrelas in the grass, like the umbrellas that people use for the beach, being lighted by a pink light that make you beleive that the umbrellas are pink and not white. Those places were completely full..., so we decided to head to one of the indoors, the first one really crappy, so we gived it another try and went to a second one. The music was ok, but it was very empty..., so there were no atmosphere at all, so we just sat down for a few minutes and then took off. First we headed to Brett's place, I had to pickup my backpack there, after that I went to my place and falled asleep.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Some facts in Esteban Life...

I want to make clear first of all that this are not complains, just facts !!!

1.Esteban was planning to stay in Switzerland until january 28 of 2005, but because he got his visa only until the 12th of this month he will leave the country on the 16th of it.

2.Esteban's mobile keeps shutting down inteself while I'm in the middle of a conversation, that is driving me crazy.., I think that next time Im going to throw that mobile to the floor !!!!!! ARGHHH!!! I'm thinking of buying another one.

3.Esteban is going to Lugano tomorrow 19th of August.

4.Esteban is going to Luzern the 25th of the next week.

5.Esteban is going to Paris the 26th of the next week. One day after Luzerne.

6.Esteban reserved today his flight back to Colombia, as follows: Basel -> Frankfurt -> Caracas -> Bogota -> Medellin. The issue is that I will have to sleep one night there, bcause the flight to medellin leaves the next day.

7.Esteban is flying in Economy class Q throught Lufthansa, he's not already a well paid executive.

8.Esteban started Yoga classes again yesterday 17th of August, so he's really tired today because of it.

9.Esteban changed the way his room is distributed into a more minimalistic way.

10.Esteban will take off this friday 20th of august.

11.Esteban is being drived crazy because of the warm weather.

12.Esteban has gmail since almost 3 months.

13.Esteban is sleepy.

14.Esteban says goodnight.

15.Esteban leaves.

16.Esteban really leaves !!.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Zürich Street Parade 2004.

31 Trucks full of people jumping and dancing with the musik and the beats !
This was just and simply great.
I'm amazed how much people has been gathered by the electronic culture...
Talking about it, I'm going to make a similitude:
The electronic musik is like the contemporary art, is something that takes you time to start enjoying and appreciating it.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Six Months !!!

Time flyes !! Now I've been here for 6 months.., and it seems like only 2 for me.
There are also new trainees, and also others already left.
I hope to see you later Chris....
I think that the small face down the picture will describe us both having in mind all the tricks that we played together on other people (Specially the landlord. To see the landlord story please refer to my "Insanity files".) ! Jajajaa, those were good times !!

Friday, July 23, 2004

I can't talk to a child !! Isn't that incredible ??

It may sound crazy, but the other day we went to a Greek Restaurant in the french border, and I was sitting in the table, waiting for my pizza, and a small child started to make me faces and to show me her teddy, she of course wanted to play, so we start making faces to each other, and talking by signs with our hands.....

The interesting thinkg is that I wasn't able to talk to her because she of course speaks french, and I don't .... It's just incredible to see small childrens talking in german (I can't understand anything of it), french, an any other languages..., but of course is their native language.. It's just incredible the capacity of learning of a child..., I'm amazed.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A normal day...

This is my desk, where I have my computer, and some plants... I like them a lot.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

My Birthday (5 of July!!)

Hey !! Thanks for all the calls, for those who celebrated it with me in Live!.
I really liked it, specially the presents:
-Beach Ball.
-Water Gun.
-Lady Crackers.
It was a really cool birthday.., of course, I ended really drunk, BUT I really enjoyed it.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Lugano, Lugano, Lugano.

If somebody ask me to describe lugano in just one word, my answer will be: A M A Z I N G

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Lyon, France

Unique, that's the word that I would use to describe Lyon. It's arquitecture.., full of well positioned things everywhere..., nice people, 2 rivers inside the city, some history from the Romans, extrange and creative constructions. And, did you know that you can cross "almost" all the city throughout it's buildings?? THat's the most impresive thing.. The government pays to the people that lives in the buildings so they can open the passages that are in the inside of each of them, as consequence people can use them to move easily on the city.

Go Nelly !!! Go !!

On friday I went to the Nelly Furtado Concert in Zurich, that was just and simple great !! I had a good time there... I also had some cool videos that I took there.., but they are too heavy to publish them here...

After the concert for a minute and we loss the train to Basel..

Italy.., Milano and Venice

Milano and Venice are cities that I'm sure I'll never forget, specially Venice for the magic that it has in each or it's corners, for all the stories that reside in each street that you go by, also for all the romanticism that it has.
Milano..Milano...., a lot of fashion..., lot's of fashion stores..., a very cosmopolita city.
Also very nice people......................
I saw a marriage in a park, that was nice and original.

Saturday, June 19, 2004


I have a question..., why the womans say one thing, and after that change their mind ???
I'm Confused !!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Traveling with my work mates..

We went to a place near Bern to a mountain with a beautifull view to a nice lake..., we had a nice picnic there with cheese, wine, bread, fruits.., and after that we went to play frisby near the lake..., also we swam in the lake (Especially me, because I threw the frisby several times into the water..). The water was freezing me !!!! The game ended when I threw it to the road, it hited (that was full of fun...jajaja) a car and falled on the main road.., and right after that a car passed and it got stuck into one of the wheels..., that was sad..., even that it was almost 8:00 PM, so it was time to get back to Basel.

Monday, June 14, 2004

New Laptop !

A month ago I replaced my brand new Toshiba P10 Satellite for a new Dell Inspiron 9100, I love it. Specially the WUXGA resolution.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Lugano, Lugano, Lugano.

If somebody ask me to describe lugano in just one word, my answer will be: A M A Z I N G

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


"We invented money and we use it, yet we cannot...understand its laws or control its actions. It has a life of its own."

- Lionel Trilling, literary critic

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Get me back to reality...

There are extrange days like today, when I need to hear from someone some words that bring me back to earth, and zapme back to reality...., thanks lufer.