Tuesday, July 26, 2005

An interesting definition that I found for Ritalin on the web...

".....ADD patients compare Ritalin to putting a new antenna on a radio: It eliminates the constant static, distraction, and interference commonly picked up by an ADD brain......"

Well, I have to wake up very early tomorrow for 6 AM class...., so I shall go to sleep, but before i'll wirte a few lines...
Today I took 30 MG of the drug..., didn't have any sleep desire in all the day.., I was focused on everything I did, I found a little bit of difficult to drive my car at night...., maybe it was because I was very tired..., and the best of all is that I was very calm...., took my time to do everything...., no hurries at all..

zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Small Symptoms Update...

Feeling a little bit Dizzy...., but in a good way..... It´s kind of funny.., I think this thing is working.., because normally when I go to the bathroom and both are occupied I can´t stand to wait for it, so I get back to my workstation and then after a couple of minutes I try again.., today both bathrooms where both occupied, and I just stayed and waited for one to bee free....., small things but important ones...

Symptoms ??

Right now reporting ritalin effects:
Well, I can´t say tooooo much..., actually I´ve felt that my concentration has increased when I´m doing something, when I´m talking to somebody I really get inside the conversation..., not like before that I did´t get inside at all...., I retain more words from something that I read couple of seconds ago..., I´m less acelerated.., I thing that I went from 8,000 RPM to 4,000 RPM..., well, it´s just an example......, however this things take time, but so far no complications, no headache, no stomach pain..., sometimes I feel like a empty sensation on my stomach..., no sleep sensation at all......
I´m taking my time to do everything...., however one day is not enough to write more words here...., anyway I´ll be posting if something comes out..

My horoscope today is sooooo true !

"Today you could feel unusually close to your family, Esteban Ochoa. The energies of the day will inspire you to have fun and intimacy with your loved ones. Sometimes you are a bit shy and closed off to people. But today you'll feel much more relaxed. It's nice to just be yourself and to know that your loved ones value you for who you are. You don't need to perform or pretend. Just allow the real you to come out!"

My zodiac sign is Cancer..., and this was extracted from msn daily horoscope...

My horoscope today is sooooo true !

"Today you could feel unusually close to your family, Esteban Ochoa. The energies of the day will inspire you to have fun and intimacy with your loved ones. Sometimes you are a bit shy and closed off to people. But today you'll feel much more relaxed. It's nice to just be yourself and to know that your loved ones value you for who you are. You don't need to perform or pretend. Just allow the real you to come out!"

My zodiac sign is Cancer..., and this was extracted from msn daily horoscope...

Fixing the small things...

Well, I haven´t posted that much lately..., been kind of bussy with the university, the work, everything..., don´t have too much time to spend doing nothing like I used to, well, I won´t call it "doing nothing" because actually I used to use that time to read, to study, so I think it´s better to call it "free time". So, as a conclusion I don´t have too much free time these days.., but I like it.., I feel that I´m taking advantage of my time and doing a huge of productive things....

Yesterday I went to the Doc, well, not exactly a common doctor, but one that is speciallized in the brain..., the reason why I went is because I´m just so tired of doing everything fast, of being like a motor when is over revolutions I mean over acelerated to do everything, to study, to read, to play, to go out, EVERYTHING!!!!!!!...., that´s how my life is..., and I definetively don´t like it at all...., and I need to change that.... Well, so I went there, we talk for one hour, did some tests..., and finally the doc said that my problem was a mix of hyperactivity with a bit of attention disorder..., nothing to get worried about.., but it can be solved..., so he prescribed me a 20mg - 30mg daily dose or ritalin...

I took my first one today at 7:45 AM, they say that it takes from 30 minutes to 45 to feel the effects.., well now is 9:13 AM and I´m just so relaxed...., like if the time were not passing at all...., will this be the fix to my speed problem ?? I hope it will........ I´ll be posting during the days any other symptoms that I may feel......

Right now I´ll finish reading email (I have 8) and after that continue with work...

Monday, July 18, 2005

Somebody did fart !!

We almost got killed here at the office.., somebody farted soooo strong that we all left the office, I guess that my eyes got red !! That reminds me of poveda in schweiz !!!! jajajajajajajjajaja

Tooooooooooooo Tired today...

Yesterday after work I went for a little bit of jogging, and after that I headed to the paintball field with a friend just to look somebody to play with.., we started to play with a group of 10 guys..., and kicked them ass, I got shooted only one in my arm, even though the ball didn´t explode.., and I almost forgot, I got another shoot in my neck.., thanks god I was wearing my neck protector...
After we finished playing with these guys we played with another guys..., I didn´t like them a lot, but we did... Can you beleive that I got another shot in the right side of my neck form a distance of 2 meters from a team mate ???
Well...., that was it..

Now, I´m just sitting in my computer, waiting for a meeting to start.., and soooooo tired of yesterday, adding that today I had a 6:00AM class.., a killer one.

My schedule this semester is not that bad...

Mondays and Wednesdays: 6-8 AM Ingenieria Economica.
Mondays and Wednesdays: 12-2 PM Geopolitica.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 5-7 PM Metodos Cuantitativos 2.
Friday: 5 - 9 PM Mercadeo.
Saturday: 8 - 12 Mercadeo.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Working un sunday.....

Well, there´s nothing free on this life.., so right now I´m paying what I took 1 week ago...., that week that I used to go to the coast... (more pictures will come soon..).
The office is almost empty..., I´m developing a Virtual Catalog for the "X" company (You´ve got to understand that this informatin is confidential.....jajaja, I always wanted to say that...), and at the same time I´m performing an evaluation to a guy called "Sergio" that want to get inside the company, so let´s call this his "Admision Test".., well, we´ve have had a couple of problems with that because the computer where his working right now has rebooted itself several times.., which is pretty bad because the guy lost some of his work.
I'm a little bit stucked right now in my work because the specification that I have to perform some task are not clear enough.., that sucks.., and I don´t want to guess the way it should be. So I´ll do some other tasks that I´ve.
Finally I replaced my pair of oakleys.., I took them as my birthday present, I´m so happy with them.
I didn´t know that Jennifer Love Hewitt used to sing, well, right now I´m listening a couple of her songs.., right now playing: "Avenue of the stars"..jajajaj, from the "Barenaked" album, and I´ve to admit that it´s not bad at all.., actually she has a nice voice..
Well, have to get back to work..

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Nice Sunset..

This is a picture from a sunset that I took in Balsillas (Caribean Coast) last week.

The only thing that comes to my mind whenever I see this picture is tranquility...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Un escrito que encontré del autor de "Pedro Responde.."

Bueno, hay veces que me cansó de escribir en ingles, asi que mis amigos extranjeros, esta vez se quedarán con las ganas de saber que dice aquí a no ser que aprendan español o encuentren a alguien que les traduzca....

Para los que no sabe, "Pedro Responde" es un programita que supuestamente cuando se ejecuta se conecta con el alma de "Pedro" o sea un espiritu. Uno le empieza entonces a preguntar cuanta guevonada se le ocurre y el le responde todo tal cual es, fué demasiado charro porque el dia que lo vi por primera vez yo pensaba para mi: "Que es esta maricada tan rara..., como funciona?". Yo le dije al pelao que lo estaba manejando que le preguntara por favor que de que color eran mis zapatos, y efectivamente respondió "cafes", le dije que le preguntara que de que color era mi camisa y me dijo "De cuadros de tal y tal color..", yo no lo podia creer...., y a parte de eso luego me dijo que tenia un retenedor en la boca..jajajjaja, eso si fue la tapa..., de cualquier manera yo no creia en eso...... Luego de estar ahi un rato el pelao que lo estaba manejando me explico como funcionaba.., bastante simple por cierto..., y era basicamente de la siguiente manera:
Supongamos que yo le pregunto a pedro: "Que dia es hoy?"
La persona que esta manejando el programa el dia o sea "martes", pero sucede que lo que escribe no se muestra en la pantalla, pero para dar el despiste el programa escribe unas letras que dicen algo como: "Pedro por favor responder:" En este instante entonces la persona escribe la pregunta "Que dia es hoy" y a continuación presiona la tecla "Enter" y por arte de magia pedro responde "Martes" Y woww, alguien queda descrestado, es muy fino.

Si quieren experimentar con el programa y asustar a uno que otro amigo lo pueden bajar de aquí: www.pedroresponde.com.ar

El escrito que encontre del autor fue el siguiente, y lo extraje de la pagina: www.lacoctelera.com, aquí va:

".........Soy el autor del programa Pedro Responde y cada cierto tiempo utilizo varios buscadores para encontrar por dónde anda.

De esta forma he llegado a tu Blog, y quería dejar mi comentario:

El objetivo de mi programa consiste en demostrar que, a veces, ante misterios que no nos podemos explicar (en este caso que Pedro responda) llegamos a creer en cosas que no son.

Muchas veces, trucos similares son utilizados por tarotistas, adivinos, etc. que se aprovechan de quienes, en su buena fe, creen en ellos y les dejan grandes ganancias. Este inofensivo programa sólo es para demostrar que siempre hay una explicación para todo.

Para crear Pedro Responde me basé en un programa similar llamado Wizard , que utilizaba como alma el nombre de Liza . Este programa era para DOS y no funcionaba en Windows, y por eso muchas personas no lo usaban.

Mi trabajo fue crear un programa más fácil de usar, con un entorno un poco mejor, y además incorporarle un módulo de respuestas automáticas ; por eso Pedro puede responder algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes cuando quien lo usa no conoce el truco, o por lo menos intenta evadirlas de la mejor manera posible. Así nace Pedro Responde , publicado en Internet inicialmente en la versión 1.3 y luego en la 2.0.

Realmente no me sorprenden las historias que contás, ya que a diario me llegan consultas e historias increibles desde varios países (en especial Colombia).

Sin embargo creo que es más fácil caer en la trampa del truco de lo que uno se imagina.

Lo que no puedo entender es cómo hay periodistas que opinan públicamente sobre mi sistema sin haber investigado lo suficiente (creyendo aún que es un alma).

Es muy fácil llegar a la verdad, mi sitio Web está posicionado primero al buscar "Pedro Responde" en varios buscadores, y mi dirección electrónica figura en el programa (respondo la totalidad de los mensajes explicando la verdad y la existencia del truco).

Me sorprende también que, en sitios donde aparece la explicación del truco, le hagan preguntas a "Pedro" si hay un espacio para enviar mensajes (ni siquiera leen el contenido de la página).

Finalmente pido que UTILICEN MI SISTEMA CON RESPONSABILIDAD; EL OBJETIVO NO ES ASUSTAR A NADIE, sino el explicado al principio de mi comentario.


Federico G. Vigo

Casilda, Argentina........"

Monday, July 11, 2005

Update from last week..

Ok, it started on saturday at 4:30 AM when I woke up after going to bed at 1:30 AM (not too much time to sleep) .., however I drove to the coast with Naty and some relatives and friends, a 8.5 hours drive, everything went ok, the road was ok, no problems at all. Arrived at 2:30 PM and then you can feel the amount of humidity that the air has...., personally I don`t like that too much..., in fact I like the warm weather but just for a couple of days, no more than that.., I consider myself a person that it`s prefered habitat is the cold weather, remember that.., cold weather is the key..
Ok Ok.., let`s continue with the story that I was writing before...
Started to read "Angeles & Demons" from the same author of the "Davinci Code".., what`s he`s name..., I can`t remember... ( I just googled it and it`s Dan Brown), and I really like the way he writes..., you can`t stop reading it, but I did, because I lend it to somebody else.., so I didn`t advance that much.., but I`ll continue this week.
Days passed quite normal, then on the 5th of july it was my birthday, my 24th year of life..., INCREDIBLE !! Celebrated with a brown cake with a yummy chocolate sauce and some marshmallows on it.. yummy again... Thanks to all of that who remembered it and in one way or another.
Did Scuba Diving..., awesome thing to do, but very scary at the begining..., I have to admit it.., I felt like a 100% beginer.., in fact I was a 100% beginer because the closest thing that I ever done closer to scuba diving is snorkeling. So as I was writing, the first time was very scary.., getting used to breath with the tank is easy but you don`t get used to it after a couple of minutes.., then learning how to go up and down wasn`t that easy..., and sometimes I got desperated.., but I said to myself "Just relax and enjoy..." and I did it.. That was not all of it.., I spent so much air, that happens when you`re scared, also it was a bit difficult to compensate at the begining but after a few times it was piece of cake... After 14 minutes of the inmersion I got a headache, not the best thing too feel down there because that added a little bit of terror to my scuba experience. The water was very cold, we went down to 80 feet`s.., that`s about 26,6 meters, and everything was very dark......, didn`t see too much animals though, but I did see a lot of corals and plants... I was diving with naty and other guy called Mauricio, at some point naty got out of air so she had to use my tank..., what a mess.., that was a little bit difficult at the begining because I wasn`t that used to the equipment and doing tricks and things under the water is not easy because everything has to be done through hand signals..., so you can`t be that descriptive..., I guess that an advanced scuba diver can, but that wasn`t my case. However.., naty started to breath from my tank, and while doing the maneuver she cut herself in the leg with a coral.., poor girl.., that did hurt !!! Ok, so the air run out very fast so finally and thanks to god with went to the surface..., and when we started to go up the water started to warm slowly, very slowly.., and I start to calm a little bit more myself.
What a headache !!! I was feeling a little bit weird but not that much.., anyway I was ok.
The next day we headed again to the see to do another inmersion, and I was scared..., I didn`t know if I should do it or not.., but I did it and that was the best one..., I was much more relaxed.., more confident...., enjoying it more..., no headache at all..., everything went just fine....
Didn`t see too much animals at all, but again the experience was veryyyyyyyyy cool.
Yesterday we drove back to Medellin..., we arrove here at 1:30 and I just falled asleep for the rest of the afternoon.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Home Sweet Home..

A small update cuz I'm so tired to post.......

Just arrived from the coast today.., finally no more mosquitos !! So I'll be able to sleep well again...jajajjajaja, but overall this small vacations were just great !

I'll be posting some photos and stories tomorrow..

Friday, July 01, 2005

Falling Asleep..

It´s Friday afternoon and I´m sitting at my desk....., almost sleep..., falling asleep, what´s the difference......, don´t want to do anything at all.... I just drank a cup of coffee, it was very dark and didn´t taste well at all, maybe it was overburn........., waiting for the caffeinne to do it´s magical effect. I´ll drink a sip of O2 to take out the bad taste of it.... GLU GLU GLU GLU !!!
I just put my headphones and listen to some eletronic music to make the energy go up ! It´s not working at all !! jajaja, I´ll just switch the song.... "Forward"... Well, it seemd that now is working.., jajajja, or is it maybe the caffeinne ??? I´d rather say that´s a mix ! Eletronic + Coffee = Will awake u !
I was looking at google images one image to paste here to try to ilustrate my concept but I didn´t find it at all...

Fridays afternoons are kind of depressing somehow..., I´m not depressed or something.., it´s just that you can feel how low the energy is arround you..., everybody is tired from the week that it´s just ending...., everybody is just looking forward to get out of it, to get a rest.., to don´t have to wake up early the next couple of days..., to do some sports.., there are plenty of reasons...., it´s also kinf of funny because I read once an article when it said: "Never buy a vehicle that was built on a friday or monday" guess whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ? It´s just funny to see everybody doing everything but work...., well.., don´t get me wrong.., I´m not saying that nobody is doing anything at all.., it´s just that people is more relaxed.., you can even tell that by the way people come dressed on fridays..., very sporty I would say..., and the funniest thing is that it´s a "Rule" in almost all the companies....

I´m definetively heading for the coast tomorrow until the 10th of july.., so I won´t spend my Birthday here in the city with my family.., that´s sad..., I can´t remember when was the last time that I spent one of my birthdays with my family.., I guess it was 2 years ago..... Well.., I´ve to go to the bus station to get a reimbursment for the ticket cuz I won´t be using it at all....
Got a New AC for the office, but it didn´t avoid me to fall asleep....