Wednesday, September 29, 2004

No german = Problems

Happens that today I went to buy some garbage bags to Migros, the store where your'e supoused to buy them....., the fact is that I never bought them before, so I didnt know in which section they where, and none of the ladies there talked english.., what a problem..., half an hour just looking for garbage bags......
At the end I found them..., but I got as a conclusion, that sometimes the German is important.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Rainy Day...

It's 2:45 and it's very rainy, plus cold weather....., I don't want to work today anymore..., just go home, lay in the couch and watch a movie.... :P

The Dudes !

Since we got gmail we have been talking almost every day, laughing, joking, advising (I'm Dr Heart for you Lufer), talking about almost any topic that you can ever imagine....., but the most important is that in one way or another you've been a kind of support for everything.... Thanks for that guys..
Lufer, Marin, Rojas, Topo, Pica y Vargas .

I had to Change...

I was really happy with my Blog at Aiesec, but the main issue or point that made me look for another blog is that most of the time the servers were down, so I wasn't able to post, and also a few people reported me that my site was constantly down and very slow. That's why, now I'm starting this brand new Blog powered by Google. Lately, I can say that I'm a Google Fan. I've gmail (Since June 2004) which is very good (Thanks for the advertisement), I've got "Picassa" that's a software that works as a kind of album for the digital pictures.., very cool by the way.., I highly recommend you to download it if you have tons of pictures and want a good tool to view and organize them.
And today I read that Google is developing a web browser, which will include gmail, blogger software, the search engine and also another bunch of things. They're developing too a small operative system based only in searching....., I read "Wired".

Thursday, September 23, 2004

No more publicity in my Mailbox.

Each day, when I come from work I find my mailbox full of publicity (Magazines, newspapers, flyers, etc). I would enjoy them, but sadly all of them are in German, so no way.... , that's why I created this sticker, to make the mailman understand that I dont want any kind of publicity ever again.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Schwarzenegger model? Will the kids study this government model in the years coming?

What IS the Schwarzenegger model? First, he's a political hybrid who can't easily be labeled, categorized, or dismissed as a conventional hack. If Clinton was famous for practicing the "politics of promiscuity" - his willingness to try out a variety of ideological positions - then Schwarzenegger is a political cross-dresser. He's the quality-of-life nut whose pro-environment views sit comfortably with Democrats; he's the self-made multimillionaire boss who embraces the Republican's laissez-faire approach to business.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Extension ???

Yesterday I was walking and met with one of the big bosses here.., I said hi, she replyed and also asked me about when's my contract going to end..., so I replied on the 12th of January, so she told me: "We can extend it, what do you think? Would you like to ?"............... Well, my answer was "Maybe..", but honestly is a deep and clear NO. I want to get back first, finish my university.., and do a lot of things that i've been planning long time ago. Also, I feel happy because of that, because I saw that what I've done here is good, if not she won't be telling me that........., thats a fact.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Today I feel so fucking betrayed; dont know what to feel..., it's like a mix of bad emotions.., a lot of bad emotions that don't mix well and as a consequence I don't really know what to feel or how to feel........ I really hate when somebody says something and does something completely different......., also tired of fucking fake people.., ignorant people.., selfish people................................., a lot of ideas are coming right now to my mind...., BUT I have to keep it calm.............., the answers will come later also the solutions.