Monday, August 30, 2004


This time, I wanted to do something as Paris, something different... Thats why I did a colage of some pictures that I took there... Casually, I found a store called "Esteban", they sell perfumes and fragances there....., thats very particular !! JeJeJeJe.
Well, what can I say..., Paris is Unique.., its arquitecture..., constructions, churchs, places..., EVERYTHING!

The first question that my head did when I saw the Eifel tower was: How many people has taken pictures of this huge tower??? I think is one of the places in the world with more camera-shots...

I stayed there with my cousin.., it was a great time..., also we went to a party on saturday.., it was cool !! PARISIENE people is definetively very open to foreigners.., I think that's one of the firsts times that somebody talk to me in a Disco without me being the first one in doing it...


Paris is awesome !! Go there ! There's so MUCHHHH to seeeee, that I didnt have the time to see a lot of them !!

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