Saturday, August 27, 2005

Esteban !! You were in danger and you didn´t know !!

Well, today as I wrote before, I had a task, and it was to get my car to the garage to get a breaks inspection because it had a very particular sound....
I woke up at 10:30 stayed in bed until 12:00 doing a lot of sort of things in my computer, and finally when I was ready I call to the garage and it was closed..., so I came home, and called to "Metrofrenos" that is a very good place, it was open, so I went there, and they told me that I had th replace the discs, and other very important pieces that were just toooo wasted..., the guy told me that it wasn´t that safe to have that pieces in that way... Finally they replace all the pieces and my breaking system was like new again...., I can feel the diference...

It was weird.., and the bill was huge.. arrghhhhhh

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