Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Like a Kid..

I open the door of my car get inside it and close the door, start the engine and put first gear..., slowly the car starts to move ,then I switch to second gear, I open my window..., and get my hand outside of it putting it against the air that´s coming from the distance..., my hand starts to fly but not enough.., so I decide to step a little bit more on the gas, reaching third gear...., now my hand has enough sustentation to fly by itselt.., I can move it, but I have to do it quitely, otherwise it will move quite fast...., I decide to put more speed, so I step on the gas and swith to 4th gear, a little bit more and suddenly I´m in the 5th gear, my hand now is really flying like a wing..., I can feel the air underneath it pulling it towards the sky....., I move it a little bit to the left and it responses inmediatly moving towars the left..., then to the right and it does the same......., it feels so goooood, it´s like flying.... I slowly start to move my fingers pointing the sky and my hand starts to gain altitude.., it´s so funny...., then I realize that I have to point my fingers down so I can have control of it..., my hand starts to descend.., slowly...slowly......., slowly enough so I can enjoy it......... Suddenly I realize that I have to turn right so I slow down, get my hand inside the window and the trip it´s over..... at least for now..


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