Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Monthly usage limit reached

Aahhhh, it´s sad when this message appears on my yahoo launchcast not even at the middle of the month ! I guess I will have to start paying so I can use it for as long as I want because it´s a pretty sweet service.
Free everything, then pay for everything ! That´s the behavior of the web these days.. First they create the need inside you and afterwards, when you can´t live without it they start charging for it !


Anonymous said...

este es la idea hermano. You must awake an "urgent need, want or esire" in the person you want to sell something to.

You should read "think and grow rich" Don't be too scared by the title, it is not a cheesy self help book. It is the first of its kind, and I have liked it a lot.

Regards, Brendan

Esteban 8A said...

Hey !
Thanks for the post, actually I´m finishing a book, so I´ll have some time to start a new reading.