Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Click !
It happens that Sandler gets a remote controller that allows him to do whatever he wants with his life, he can pause, forward and rewind it.... The bad thing about the remote is that it "learns" the user preferences, so if for example he start to skip all the fights with his wife, in the future he won´t have to do it, the remote will do it automatically for him and while it´s forwarding he enters in a kind of "autopilot" mode.... The guy is living the rat´s race, working just soo hard to get a promotion, so he starts forwarding things until he gets it, and he thinks that he´s life is perfect, then everything starts to forward automatically having as a result that he´s not able to enjoy anything at all...., he can´t have a fight with his wife or boss because the remote will forward it, same with the cars bottlenecks...., so sudenly he´s old and he´s dying, he has lost his wife and didn´t live all the exciting things of his life. The message was pretty clear to me.., has ever happened to you that you would like to forward your life until certain point ? Well, in my case I have ! Sometimes I don´t enjoy things as I should because I´m thinking on the future or willing to be somewhere else.... and I can continue listing things here all the afternoon... Life it´s about the "little things", about the details...., and that´what Sandler realize when he wakes up and finds out that he got another chance...
I highly recommend this movie...., normally I don´t like comedy movies, but this one was splendid.
Geopolitics..., even in windows...
Why isn't my time zone highlighted on the world map?
In the original release of Windows 95, you could change your time zone by clicking on the map, and the time zone you selected would highlight. Similarly, you could change your Region Settings by clicking on the world map. This was one of those little touches that made Windows 95 that much more fun to use.
But we had to remove those features within months of release, even though we based both of the maps on the borders officially recognized by the United Nations.
In early 1995, a border war broke out between Peru and Ecuador and the Peruvian government complained to Microsoft that the border was incorrectly placed. Of course, if we complied and moved the border northward, we'd get an equally angry letter from the Ecuadorian government demanding that we move it back. So we removed the feature altogether.
The time zone map met a similar fate. The Indian government threatened to ban all Microsoft software from the country because we assigned a disputed region to Pakistan in the time zone map. (Any map that depicts an unfavorable border must bear a government stamp warning the end-user that the borders are incorrect. You can't stamp software.) We had to make a special version of Windows 95 for them.
Geopolitics is a very sensitive subject.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Caught by surprise!!
So she called me and showed me this picture.., it was just so funny because I didn´t realize when they took it. Thanks god I´m a very good guy and wasn´t doing something "unsuitable".
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Plain days..
I need to finish writing my thesis to give it on the first week of october, and to be honest I´ve been kind of lazy with the written document.., it´s just so boring to write how you did it and how you did aproach it...., and putting nice things just to make it look good..., I mean.., what´s the use of that.., what´s the use of a well formed set of words if they don´t look deep into the product that´s what they should be looking at !
I can´t wait just to give that document away and finally close that chapter of my life.
Yesterday I came with the idea of camping in "El Peñol", long time ago without doing it, and that place is just perfect! I like it very much... In the meantime I don´t have dates or anything at all, just the idea... brilliant !!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Monthly usage limit reached
Free everything, then pay for everything ! That´s the behavior of the web these days.. First they create the need inside you and afterwards, when you can´t live without it they start charging for it !
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Táctica y estrategia - Mario Benedetti
Mi táctica es
aprender como sos
quererte como sos
Mi táctica es
y escucharte
construir con palabras
un puente indestructible
Mi táctica es
quedarme en tu recuerdo
no sé cómo ni sé
con qué pretexto
pero quedarme en vos
Mi táctica es
ser franco
y saber que sos franca
y que no nos vendamos
para que entre los dos
no haya telón
ni abismos
Mi estrategia es
en cambio
más profunda y más
Mi estrategia es
que un día cualquiera
no sé cómo ni sé
con qué pretexto
por fin me necesites.
-Mario Benedetti
Some "Proverbs" that I liked..
-Si quieres felicidad por un día: ve de pesca.
-Si quieres felicidad por un año: hereda una fortuna.
-Si quieres felicidad por el resto de tu vida: ayuda a otras personas. Tu fortaleza y tu fortuna crecen solo en la medida en que las compartes.
-La felicidad consiste en ser gratos para otros: ese sentimiento libera sus dones y hace que te conviertan en el centro de sus afectos.
-Toda persona que es amada por sus obras vence la soledad.
-Allí donde otros encuentran incertidumbre, ella encuentra gratitud; allí donde otros encuentran indiferencia, ella es atendida con espontáneo afecto.
-Quien vence la avaricia abre las puertas de la opulencia.
-La fortuna tiene genero de mujer y solo se prodiga a quienes saben valorarla y no intentan encerrarla.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Memoirs of a Geisha
I´m in the middle of it and I´m just amazed how fast I´ve read all of that pages.
The story is just amazing.., the only bad thing is that the chapters are quite big, and I don´t like when I´ve to stop in the middle of one. I liked very much the way the Dan Brown used to write.., keeping 2 or 3 parallel stories at the same time, being one chapter dedicated to one storie and so on.., and the best thing is that each chapter ranges from 1 to 5 pages at most, so it´s quite confortable to read because you don´t have to do it for long periods of time, of course that when you start reading you can´t stop, or at least that´s what happens when I´m reading a book.., I just enjoy them so much.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Nightmares again..
I try to recall if there´s anything that I´m doing or eating or something that is producing this kind of dreams, but so far I´ve had no success at all !
Yesterday night I dreamt with a kind of evil guy who was wearing a kind of dentist clothes and every road I took he would appear in front of me and laugh...., and laugh and laugh.., somehow I knew that I was dreaming, so maybe I can say that it was a lucid dream.., but even though I was scared in this dream.