Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cooking again ! : )

The maid decided to leave the house and my parents and I don´t want to get another one.., we´re just tired of having to deal with one after another and besides, we are 5 persons in the house, and if we can´t do the daily stuff by our own means then nobody can.
I like this, because for example at lunch I have time to cook with my mother, something that I like very much to do, my speciality are the salads.., sara my little sister is even eating them (She never used to eat' em). This reminds me when I used to live alone and cook everything for myself and once in a while for somebody else..., and I like the idea of cook what I´m going to eat because I can do it the way I like it..., and I can learn and/or find new recipes.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Jajajaja, Yasuri Yasuri Yamileth !!

Just in case you haven't been paying attention to the morning news, a big old bunch of Sony-made batteries in 4.1 million Dell and 1.8 million Apple laptops have been recalled due to safety concerns (i.e., they explode).Since we love and care about each and every one of you so very much, and would hate to see your laps melt off, we want to make sure you take the appropriate action and return those bad batteries if you've got 'em. From Apple, we're talking iBooks and PowerBooks, and from Dell - well, I'm not sure; you've got to enter you PPID to find out. Now get checking!

A million thank you !!

This was just sooooo funny, until what number can you wait ?? I did until 2,500.
Just press play !


Everything comes to an end, and yesterday I finished a book called "La rueda de la vida" written by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the book is a kind of biography and at the same time talks about the "dead" and the lots of experiences that the author has with it. Sometimes it just goes so "far" which from my point of view is not that good at all, maybe because I haven´t had that kind of experiences, however it´s a good and very interesting book to read.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Banana, Papaya and Apple!

I just erased a previous post that I did a few minutes ago, it was pointless !! The tea is already hot and the day is cold. Waking up for me on this kind of day is pretty pretty difficult, the fact of seeing my room kind of dark makes me want to stay in bed forever. BUT, then I have to wake up, so much things to do, and my back is killing me today.., if there´s something that I like and hate at the same time (bittersweet taste!!) is the change of routine exercise.... My knee in the other hand is again in pain, I even stopped jogging.., but nothing ! Therapy haven´t helped that much...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Killing intense black eyes !

I didn´t know that was one of the reasons !!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Comandante Dinko !

Hey Comandante, what´s up ? I know that you´re reading this because I have my "connections", but what about you ??? You can write me a line once in a while.., I promess I won´t get mad !!

Jajajajaj, there´s this video that I´m 100% sure that you´re gonna enjoy and laugh just so much..., it´s just sooo #"$#" I can´t find a word to describe it..

Monday Morning...

I can´t remember when was the last time that I had breakfast in my bed.., but today I did the exception..., and the best thing of all is that I turned on the TV and there was Dawson´s creek, my favorite tv series, it´s sad that now it´s over..., but it was good to watch it again even though if I already saw that chapter. That brought me a lot of memories, most of them good..., but closed pages of the book that my life is. Closed pages that are going to remain in that stage, but reading a few of them once in a while have a healthy effect on my life.

Beto, 5 days and there´s no signal of you...., I´m afraid I won´t see you again.... : (

Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday Afternoon

Finally friday afternoon. This has been a week full of work and some stress. Beto got lost in the farm (Beto is a Beagle) since 3 days ago..., I´ve done anything but calling to the farm every single day but there´s no track of the dog, I´m doing some posters to post in the most common places..., I hope we can find him.

In the other hand I have some plans for this weekend, tomorrow there´s a national paintball torunament in Llanogrande, I´m thinking on going, and in the night there´s this party at Lobby with Vitalic, I already bought my tickets !

Well, I´ll get back to work.., ll´be posting later.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


So I got invited to Jorge´s wedding but still don´t know what to wear that day and still don´t know if I´m going alone or with somebody else.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I don´t know what it is..

This afternoon the rightmost finger of my left hand was tickling, now it´s gone but what I feel is a kind of cramp ....., but in my leftmost fingers of my left hand, can´t even type on the keyboard...

Instead of blaming DO something..

This past weekend I went to Carambolas for our monthly work there. It happens that we gathered 110 kids to show them a movie, it was "Nemo", they enjoyed it very much, most of them haven´t had the chance to see it before (Most of them doesn´t have a TV at home). However, after the movie we gave them something to eat, it was a piece of bread with "Zoom!", most of them were very educated doing the line and waiting for the others, but there was this kid in particular which didn´t had any respect for his friends, for the people that was there, not even with me.... He did the line three times, in the third I asked him very nicely to please leave the line because it wasn´t fair what he was doing, he yelled to me that this was his first time in the line, so I replied: No, it is not, please leave it... In the end the boy left the line and started to play very strong with his friends (It was a fight simulation I Guess), so one of his friends hit him a little bit hard, so he replies with a punch in the face of the other boy and then he throws him to the floor and hits him again.., in that moment I went and separated them..., I thought that the other boy was injured but he wasn´t.., and he told me that they were playing.., that did amazed me again!
I started to think about what could be the future of this violent kid, and to be honest I don´t see a clear one for him..., and I don´t blame him.., some of this kids have a lot of violence inside their families, fathers that hit their wifes, sons that hit their mothers or yell at them, kids that are the hole day in front of a TV without nobody who can guide him, kids who are the whole day on the streets sometimes surrounded by bad influences, kids that probably doesn´t receive a hug or a "I love you" quite often, kids that are missing love, kids that are missing comprenhension, kids that are missing affect, kids that are missing a family, kids that are missing oportunities..., kids that are missing everything...., so my question again: How can I blame him...? should be translated in: How can I help him? And the answer came inmediatly..., and it was what I was doing that day there..
In the other hand, when I was giving the food to this kids, there was a very particular girl which came, I recognized her and I asked if this was her second time in the line, she replied that yes, it was her second time, so I said to her that I wasn´t able to give her more food because if I did there would be other kids that wouldn´t be able to eat.., she understood. I finished my labor and went to the kitchen to drink something.., and after 10 minutes she came to the kitchen with 2 of her sisters and asked me again for a piece of bread.., so I started to talk to them and asked them if they have eaten something today, they said "no". The little girl was looking at the bread like the most precious thing on earth, I felt just sooo bad because in my entire life there hasn´t been not even one day where I have woke up and haven´t had anything to eat.. I took one bread and gave it to them but before that I told them to hide it and eat it somewhere else because otherwise the other kids would realize about it and then that wouldn´t be fair with them... This girl touched my just soo deep...

The picture above has one of the nicest views of Medellín.

Xbox 360 Platinum Edition for Sale..

Hey I´m selling my Xbox 360 Platinum Edition, in case you´re interested just drop me a line.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Quote of the day

"...The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do..."
-B.F Skinner

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


"Venezuela se arma hasta los dientes.

El presidente Hugo Chávez realizó una gira por varios continentes buscando armas y un puesto en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. Y en contraste, incumplió su promesa de venir a la posesión del presidente Álvaro Uribe.

Una gira estratégica de dos semanas por Argentina, Bielorrusia, Rusia, Qatar, Irán, Malí, Vietnam y Benín, países ubicados en Suramérica, Europa, Asia y África, acaba de realizar el presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez. Quedó demostrado que el mandatario es un comprador compulsivo de armas y que no se detiene en su afán por conseguir un escaño en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, ONU.

Después del ingreso, en forma improvisada, a Mercosur, o al Neomercosur, como lo llama, Chávez emprendió una ofensiva diplomática con escalas en cada país que consideró clave para enfatizar su odio a Estados Unidos y ascender en la escalada armamentista.

En su trayectoria dejó una estela de donaciones y apoyos financieros destinados a comprometer los votos para acceder a un escaño en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, en calidad de miembro no permanente, que le disputa a Guatemala. Quizás el último respaldo fue de Yayi Boni, gobernante de Bení, tras ofrecerle 2,9 millones de dólares para construir viviendas en esta empobrecida nación africana cuya población tiene un ingreso per cápita de sólo tres dólares diarios.

Chávez tiene puestos los ojos en el Consejo de Seguridad. Allí aspira compartir tribuna con las potencias mundiales, entre ellas Estados Unidos, toda vez que este organismo jugará un papel decisivo por las implicaciones que sobre la paz mundial tienen los conflictos de Irak, Medio Oriente e Irán y Corea del Norte.

La ofensiva diplomática y política, montada sobre una postura antiestadounidense y un rechazo tajante y ofensivo al presidente George W. Bush, era uno de los objetivos del periplo. El segundo motivo de la gira lo llevó a Rusia a firmar un acuerdo armamentista por unos tres millones de dólares.

Chávez compra armas sin medida. Ya había adquirido 100.000 fusiles Kalashnikov AK-103 y algunos helicópteros rusos el año pasado. Con su colega Vladimir Putin logró un "aliado de confianza" que le suministrará 24 cazas Sukhoi 30 y 53 helicópteros, convirtiéndose así en el principal abastecedor de Venezuela. Esta decisión está provista de complejidades logísticas, porque no es sólo reemplazar los equipos suministrados anteriormente por Estados Unidos, Francia y otros países por materiales rusos, sino que se produce un viraje de dependencia militar.

Estas compras, que ya suman 5.700 millones de dólares en dos años, contemplan también la adquisición de 12 aviones y ocho barcos patrulleros a España. Venezuela justifica su carrera armamentista. Chávez sostiene que su intención es prepararse para la defensa de una "eventual agresión" de Estados Unidos y lograr un equilibrio regional de fuerzas en vista del Plan Colombia. Desde 2005 el presupuesto del Ministerio de la Defensa registró un crecimiento de 31 por ciento y alcanzó unos 2.000 millones de dólares.

A su regreso Chávez encontró el vacío que está dejando su paradigmático líder Fidel Castro, por cuenta de su grave enfermedad. Ahora, en el plano interno, enfilará sus baterías injuriosas para ocultar las denuncias de corrupción, violencia, censura, en medio del fragor de la contienda electoral. En la región, arreciará su talante provocador, alentado por la condecoración del gobierno iraní y por la renovada dotación de sus fuerzas armadas. Y en Colombia, quedan las dudas por la excusa para no venir a la posesión del presidente Álvaro Uribe. Todos, motivos de preocupación continental."

This document was taken from

Friday, August 04, 2006


Another awesome Dj is coming on the 19th of August (for more info, I guess I´m going !

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Quote of the day

Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke.
- Lynda Barry

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Pinned Down.

I was sitting at my desk and suddenly I started to receive an attack from somewhere.., they were shooting with a CO2 powered gun copper balls..., some of the balls entered right by the balcony... So I crouched myself and went to my parents room..., started to look arround and found the kid that was doing it.. I´m gonna be patient and won´t start any offensive at the moment.., however if the shooting persists I´ll have to "engage".

Speed !

I never thought of this before, but it´s quite usefull when you´re able to change the speed of your mouse (increase or decrease) with the hit of a button. I saw this quite usefull a few minutes ago while working with cmaps where I need lot´s of precision when designing my conceptual maps.., so slowing the mouse speed allows me to achieve this task very easy.., and when I need to move from one place to another I just increase the speed...