Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I have to Admit it !!

Ok!! Ok JuanE!!!!!, your'e completely right, I have to admit it, I was completely drunk singing "villancicos" on the streets on the 23th of december, also singing to the people, specially to that old guy !! ...., I also admit that I almost kick a Junkie because he was asking me for money.., but I can't stand that the government here gives to this people per month the same amount of money that I earn, maybe more, and for what ? For them to enjoy it injecting themselves, to smoke their lifes, and to continue on the non-stop party !! I'm not justifying myself, but it's something that really bothers me, because that's not equity, that's not fair, that's not ethic... why ? Because there's lot of people dying of hunger in other places, very poor people, and I know that this country is one of the richest in the world, and that's why it should use that money to help others instead of keeping and maintaining somebody's else "bad habits" and "ethernal party" !! So f**k you all junkies and do something for your life !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was not a junkie, you insensitive clod! the guy was just asking for a place to sleep. He did not look like a junkie at at all, you were so fucking drunk, he just looked like a random poor guy, ask JuanE if I'm wrong, I even had to go back to the guy and say "sorry, he's drunk" (I don't know if he understood, I said it wrong: "tut mir leid, er is GETRUNK" heheheh), when you pushed him the guy left inmediately; a junkie would have hit you in the face. Maybe you should have learned a bit German, or just drink less if you can't control yourself under the effects of alcohol.