Thursday, February 08, 2007

Humane Interface

Yesterday I finished reading a book called "The Humane Interface" written by Jef Raskin. As a fan that I'm in designing interfaces, I have to say that this book was great, it gave me lots of good insights, theory that I didn't know about UI design, and something awesome about this book is that it doesn't talk only about technical stuff, instead it goes up until the human psycology, ergonomics and cognetics.
I took note of everything I found interesting. I have to put them in electronic format and then I will upload them here, so if you are interested in UI design they can give you good insights as the book did with me, however I highly recommend the reading of the book.

Today also started a new book called "The Bilderberg Club", it talks about the conspiration in government, politics and economics around the world.., can't tell too much about it right now, but I'll be posting some insights later on.

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