Wednesday, June 28, 2006


2 weeks ago we went to Carambolas for another session of our "Brigadas de la Salud y la Solidaridad" where we did some activities for the small and for the adults..

For the kids we did an observation race where we talked to them very much about the team work and at the same time we taught them about a wide variety of topics, and for the adults a series of awesome conferences about the family where they did a very nice paper work (specially the moms!).

In the other hand, we did a journey by the neighborhood where we visited a series
of people with different kind of illness, what allows us to get more sensitized with the community.
Its very sad to see these people in this kind of situation having in mind the poor conditions that they face every single day of their lifes.
All of us got a warm welcome by each one of them, we saw the happiness of these people when we came in...., they´re very lonely people...

We are definetively just soooooo lucky of living the way we live and how we live, because we could be occupying their places and their ours very very easily... Its just so sad that sometimes people just don´t realize how lucky they are because they´re always looking above their heads, but never underneath them..., and is much more what they´ll find if they look underneath that if they look above... Helping the people that needs us is very easy..., you just need to want to give soooo much without expecting to receive anything in exchange.., but believeme, with this people you receive 100 times or more what you give them, and is something that money can´t buy, your parent´s can´t give you..., is something that you can only gain it by yourself.

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