Sunday, May 15, 2005

El Metrocable !!!

Ok, finally I took some time to go and see the "MetroCable"..., for those who don´t know what it is, or what it can be, is a kind of mobile chairs.., similars to the ones that people use when they go skiing..., but this time they´re not for fun, they´ve been built to help to improve poor people life´s.., and boy !! they did a great job doing that !!! It was amazing to go up in the mountain in just a few minutes.

This was the forgotten part of the city, and I´m very glad that the government took them in mind and did a great labor there...., giving something to the people who need most.... Being there make me realize that I´ve everything that I need.., that my life´s perfect compared to them..., that I don´t need anything else..., that I have so much to give...., so much to help..., and that´s what I´ll be doing the second part of these year.., giving my grain of sand to help the one´s that weren´t so lucky, the one´s that don´t have anything..., and need a lot of things.
If you want to help to this cause I´ll be posting here more information throughout the second half of this year.

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